Thursday, April 28, 2011

Super Cheesy's Grand Opening!

Because nothin' beats a great piece of pie!
Super Cheesy Pizza is open for business.  We've finished the remodeling and put all the new tables, chairs and booths in.
The kitchen has been equipped with state of the art appliances.
So, come on in, have a seat and enjoy some great pie and company.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Super Cheesy just keeps getting better!

A good sign is a necessity.
I thought we needed a t-shirt to celebrate.  Fine dining coming soon!

Super Cheesy Building

 Yesterday, I went spelunking.  It was an adventure.  I figured a quick snap of my beautiful self would be a good memento.
 I've been all kinds of unhappy with the pizza joint in downtown Enterprise Harbor.  I decided to do a quick search for some architecture that would please me and my urge to build something.
 I bring you the new Super Cheesy.  A little retro, a little Googie and mostly just Teebrook style.
Of course, it could use a better paint job, I'll work on that.  I think it really needs some neon lights.
 Quick update.  I've changed a few of the textures and placed it in downtown.  I think it fits in well.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cupcakes and Giant Bunnies

I heard that Cupcakes was having a hunt.  Since I like their skins, and can't pass up more free stuff, I popped over to do some hunting.
While there, wandering about, minding my own business, hunting eggs, I was menaced by a chipmunk and a largish rabbit with an overly twitchy nose.
Finally, I found this somewhat tame, giant bunny that would allow a cuddle and rest between finding eggs.