Thursday, February 28, 2013


I think I finally licked the problem I was having with invisible things making holes in my avatar.  Here is the result.  I've made both the buttons on the corset invisible and the studs on those cute little boots.  I've still got a bunch of work to do to get these out, but at least I made this breakthrough.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today I released Tease! on the Marketplace in in-world.

You can pick these up in two different packs.  First, we have the T*2 version, where I've picked some great colors for everyday wear.  You can find it on the Marketplace now.
Second, we have the Heroic Soles version, where you'll find all seven of Heroic Soles' standard colors to coordinate with your costume collection.  Mix and match to your heart's content.  You can find it on the Marketplace now.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Screeching Halt

A sneak peek at what I've been doing.  (Shown with Statuesque boots and Frostbite Costume.)  Although, the news is not good.

I tried to hide the buttons on the mesh, which worked great on the mesh when I set it on the ground in-world.  I thought it looked great.  Then, I put the corset on and... uh, oh!  You can't just make the buttons transparent.  Above, you can see what it looks like with the buttons (left) and when I made them invisible (right).  I also applied the texture I wanted to use to the one on the right, so you can see (almost) what it should look like.

What's going on here:  Second Life likes to make sure that if you make something invisible, it stays that way, which means, if part of your avatar is invisible, and you put something transparent in front of you, you can see all the way through the object and your avatar.  Interesting if you want to be invisible or are trying to get prim shoes to cover up ugly system feet, but very annoying when trying to hide part of a mesh you're wearing. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Caught in a Tempest

After putting Curious up, I stepped back to this wonderful new mesh.  I'm still working through the texturing process, but wanted to at least let you see what I'm working on.  I won't predict when it will be out, but I hope to get it done soon-ish.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Curious as a mad scientist

Once I finished with the coat for women, I just couldn't wait to get to work on the version for the men.  This thing is more fun than it should be.  
Both are available now on the Marketplace and at the in-world store

Sunday, February 17, 2013

New at Heroic Soles

This weekend I've been busy putting things together and getting them both into the store and onto the Marketplace.
Corona is now available on the Marketplace and at the in-world store.
Plenty of options with this one.  Gauntlets, gloves, boy shorts, top, cowl and the cute little mesh skirt.  Eight wonderful colors to mix and match!
The Symbology set has been expanded with these great attachments.  This time, I went with a different shape for the symbol backing so you can select a blank background to achieve a shiny, gem-like center to your attachment.  Available in-world and on the Marketplace
I've released Wallop in-world and on the Marketplace.  A great complement to Corona or any of Heroic Soles other costumes.

Express your mad scientist with Curious!  A ladies lab coat with five levels of splatter.  Scripted coat will definitely make people wonder what you've been up to.  Available in-world and on the Marketplace.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Corona is almost ready

Well, I'm calling it almost ready.
I've still got to take ad pictures and get it all sorted.  It will still be awhile before this is out.  Just had to put out the teaser.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


I received a special request and sat down to work on this new costume.
This is just the preliminary version.  I've still got a bunch of work to do.  Right now, it includes stockings, gloves, shirt and cowl.  I hope to fill it out with another set of gloves/armbands and some boy shorts.  Don't look too closely at the skirt, it hasn't even got a real texture, yet.  Shown with my Wallop boots, which I hope to actually release soon.