Monday, October 31, 2011

Blonde Bombshell Color-change Boots

The full version of the Blonde Bombshell boots are now available in the Heroic Soles Marketplace shop.

These boots are the perfect addition to your costume collection. 

Color-change (63 different colors) on the boot, sole and cuff.  Millions of possibilities to match nearly any costume.

Scripted for resize, shine and color-change.  Easy menu-driven changes.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blonde Bombshell Special Edition Boots

For those fans of Power Girl I have created these boots.

They come in a limited color-set that should work for many different costumes and really make that Power Girl costume special.

Through the scripted menu, you can select nine different blues for the boot, sole and cuff.  Five different gray-scale options are also available for the sole and cuff.

These will be boxed up today and available on the Marketplace at Heroic Soles

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Heroic Soles: Symbology Belt!

I couldn't resist adding to the collection with these fun belts. 
Scripted to match the Symbology Boots and the Capes that came out yesterday they are the perfect addition to your super hero costume collection.  Pick up yours at Heroic Soles!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Heroic Soles: Capes!

Capes in three lengths.  With the same color and symbol change options we all love.

Coming soon! Available Now!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Heroic Soles: Masks!

I started playing around with making masks.  This is the first set I came up with.  Ten masks, all on the tattoo layer.  They will soon be available with Modify/Copy permissions so they can be changed to fit your mood and your super heroine costume.

I added these to the Marketplace on 21 October 2011.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blonde Bombshell

Sometimes you just need a little more style than you can get out of a plain boot. 

After being completely annoyed with my inability to make a cuff that I really liked, I mentioned to my friend Pacific how frustrated I'd become.  This piqued her interest and she popped over to lend a hand.
Our combined efforts (okay, so my part was more like "make that part flare a little more, yeah, like that.") resulted in a cute little mesh cuff that I've added to my standard boot.  There aren't quite ready for prime-time, but I'm working on it.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I decided to play with texturing some spandex yesterday.  The fruit of my labors brings you this great hooded suit perfect for villains, heroes and minions alike.   (Thank you, Lorn, for dressing up with me.)
Forgive me for the gratuitous close-ups, I want to share the texture of this suit.
I've paired the suit with the Symbology set and boots to complete the look.
Since the color seemed to wash out a little once uploaded, I'm going to go back to the editor and see if I can darken it a little more.
I created the suit using the tattoo layer which helps to keep all the seams lined up perfectly.  Applying the texture to shirt and pants layer just doesn't join up as nicely due to the way SL wraps the shirt texture around the avatar.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Everything is better...

... when you use full-bright and some glow!

I took entirely too many pictures to show you this floating lounge.  A few for morning.
One for midday.
And a couple for night so you can really appreciate all the glow!
I love being able to add a color-change option to things. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Symbology Companion Pack

I thought it would be really neat if I could add a symbol to a costume to match the Symbology Boots, so I got to work.

The result was this pack of Jackets, Shirts, Gloves and Tattoos that are MODIFY and COPY so you can change the color to match your mood or just your boots.

Available now on the Marketplace.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

High-Heel Sneaks

Heroic Soles continues to add different shoes to our line of color-change shoes.

Heroic Soles -- putting the color in your hands.

How will you express yourself?

(If you are wondering, I didn't actually manage to work in all the available colors.  The sneaks have seven different color-able parts, but I have nine colors in each color-grouping.)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Heroic Soles on the Marketplace: New shoes for October 9th

These were made to satisfy a special request.  They took a little longer to finish than I planned, but I think they came out great! 

Nineteen symbols have been added to the outside of the boot (That's twenty options when you add in the no symbol setting.) to make these boots even more versatile.
They are the same as the Zip Boots but I added that little bit of attitude.

I've shown them in simple black to high-light the symbols.  The symbols are color-change just like the rest of the boot.  You can check out a working model in-world at Heroic Soles.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Heroic Soles on the Marketplace

Heroic Soles is now on the Marketplace.  
 Granted, only one pair of boots is available, but it is a start.